The importance of downstream δ-factor binding elements for the activity of the rpL32 promoter

A salient feature of mammalian ribosomal protein genes is the location of promoter elements downstream, as well as upstream, of the transcriptional start point. Previous functional studies of the mouse rpL32 gene (Chung and Perry, Mol. Cell. Biol. 9, 2075; 1989) indicated that the first intron of this gene contains such an element. We show here that this element encompasses a binding site for a zinc finger nuclear protein known as delta (YY-1, muE1, UCRBP). The intronic delta site (delta i) is located 32 bp downstream of another delta site in the first exon (delta e). Transfection experiments with genes containing deleterious mutations in one or both delta sites or having alterations in the spacing between the sites indicate that the two delta elements function independently and contribute additively to the overall strength of the rpL32 promoter. Moreover, the contribution of the delta i element is the same whether it is oriented parallel or antiparallel to the delta e element. Together, the two delta elements raise the expression level about 10-fold over that attained by the upstream and initiator portions of the promoter. The positive role of the delta factor in rpL32 expression contrasts strikingly with its repressive role in various other genes.