The permeability to water of the cuticles of some adult water bugs has been measured using deuterium oxide (heavy water) as tracer. The D2O permeability constant of Ilyocoris cimicoides cuticle was 1-7 × 10-2 cm./hr. at 18° C. There was no apparent difference between the rates of D2O influx and efflux at 18° C., but at 28° C. a possible difference between them was indicated. The Q10 of the influx was 1·8 over the temperature interval 8-18° C., 1·5 over the interval 18-28° C. The estimated osmotic water uptake was 2·3% of the body weight per day at 18° C. In Corixa dentipes adults the D2O permeability constant of the cuticle was 2·3 × 10-2 cm./hr. at 18° C. and the derived osmotic water uptake 3% of the body weight per day. In Notonecta glauca adults the corresponding values were 1·4 × 10-2 cm./hr. and 1·8% of the body weight per day.