The analog of the Woodward-Hoffmann orbital correlation diagrams for solid-state polymorphic phase transitions are defined (within the tight-binding approximation) and the implications of the form of the correlation diagram E(k,q) for the reaction kinetics are discussed. It is proposed that if an occupied orbital of the parent structure is transformed into an unoccupied orbital of the new structure at a point in k space, then the reaction cannot proceed with retention of translation symmetry in the intermediate, and so can only proceed via a "nucleation-and-growth"-type mechanism. On the other hand, if the E(k,q) surface shows a smooth correlation of occupied levels of the reactants and products the process may proceed "martensitically." Correlation diagrams E(k,q) are constructed with the use of group-theoretical analysis and extended-Hückel band-structure calculations), and discussed for the following transformations: sodium chloride from the rocksalt to cesium chloride structure, the bond breaking and reforming in a linear chain of diatomic molecules, an idealized model of the polymerization of S2 N2 to both the cis and trans polymers (SN)x, and the transformation of black phosphorus into the A7 arsenic-type structure.