Characteristics of the absorbed dose to water standard at ENEA

The primary standard of absorbed dose to water established at ENEA for the Co-60 gamma-ray quality is based on a graphite calorimeter and an ionometric transfer system. This standard was recently improved after a more accurate assessment of some perturbation effects in the calorimeter and a modification of the water phantom shape and size. The conversion procedure requires two corresponding depths, one in graphite and one in water, where the radiation energy spectra must be the same. The energy spectra at the corresponding points were determined by a Monte Carlo simulation in water and graphite scaled phantoms. A thorough study of the calorimeter gap effect corrections was also made with regard to their dependence on depth and field size. A comparison between the ionization chamber calibration procedures based on the standards of absorbed dose to water and of air kerma was also made, confirming the consistency of the two methods.