The superior vestibular nucleus: An intracellular hrp study in the cat. II. Non‐vestibulo‐ocular neurons

Superior vestibular neurons were penetrated with horseradish perox-idase (HRP)-loaded glass microelectrodes in anesthetized cats and identified electrophysiologically following electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerves and oculomotor complex. Neurons that were not antidromically activated from the oculomotor complex were stained by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase. Three types of neurons are identified according to their initial axonal trajectories into the cerebellum, the dorsal pontine reticular formation, or the brachium conjunctivum. Ipsilateral vestibular nerve input to all neurons is primarily monosynaptic and excitatory, whereas the contralateral is inhibitory. The neurons are located in the periphery of the superior vestibular nucleus. Soma diameters range from 20.5 μm to 44 μm. Most neurons exhibit globular and ovoid cell bodies. The dendritic arbors are intermediate between iso- and allodendritic branching patterns. The few spines and dendritic appendages present are distributed mainly distally on the dendrites. Soma size does not correlate with axon diameter, number of dendrites, or dendritic territories.