Relationship between gibberellin A4/7 concentration, time of treatment, and crown position on flowering of Piceaglauca

Treatment with the gibberellin mixture A4 and A7 (GA4/7) enhanced female flowering on mature white spruce (Piceaglauca (Moench) Voss). Time of treatment, crown position, and GA4/7 concentration influenced treatment success. GA4/7 treatment initiated before meristematic differentiation began (late June) enhanced female strobilus production, whereas those initiated after late June were ineffective. Shoots treated with 250 mg•L−1 GA4/7 bore significantly more female strobili than shoots that received 500 mg•L−1. Treatment did not affect female production on uppermost crown positions, male strobilus production, or seed yield per cone. Female strobili predominated from axillary buds centrally located on untreated shoots. GA4/7 treatments that enhanced female production shifted the distribution of strobili to more distal shoot positions.