Large-shift Raman scattering in insulating parent compounds of cuprate superconductors

We describe the use of large-shift Raman techniques to probe features near the optical conductivity peak in insulating high-Tc parent compounds, including the T’-phase materials (R2 CuO4, R=Gd, Eu, Sm, Nd, Pr), T-phase La2 CuO4, and 123-phase PrBa2 Cu3 O6 and YBa2 Cu3 O6. We have observed several features near 12 000 cm1 (∼1.5 eV) with A2g, B1g, and A1g symmetry. At low temperatures, the largest feature with A2g symmetry splits in all the insulating cuprates into three distinct peaks: a strong main peak, and two weaker sidebands offset approximately 600 and 1500 cm1 higher in energy, respectively. A B1g feature coinciding in position with the optical conductivity peak is observed in all the T’ phase materials, but not in the other insulators. An A1g peak is observed in Gd2 CuO4 and Eu2 CuO4 40–50 cm1 lower in energy than the main A2g peak, and in YBa2 Cu3 O6 around 2400 cm1 above the main A2g peak. All of these features have unusual, temperature-dependent resonance behavior with the incident photon energy. We propose explanations for many of the above observations involving copper dx2-y2 to dxy hole transitions enabled by coupling to oxygen pσ and pπ levels.