Synopsis.—Using as a starting-point the simple equations deduced from the electron theory by J. J. Thomson and others for thermo E.M.F., thermoelectric power, Peltier E.M.F. and the Thomson effect, and assuming that the number of free electrons in unit volume of a metal is an exponential function of the temperature, the author shows that (1) the thermoelectric power is a linear function of the temperature, (2) the equations relating thermo E.M.F. and temperature, and Peltier E.M.F. and temperature, represent parabolas having their axes perpendicular to the axis of temperature, and (3) the Thomson effect is different for different metals and may be either positive or negative, but will usually have a positive temperature coefficient. Likewise, using the equations for electrical and thermal conductivity and making the second assumption that the number of positive centers with which the electrons collide changes with the temperature (these centers being atoms, molecules or clusters of molecules), it is found that (4) the electrical conductivity of pure metals decreases with increase of temperature but is not exactly inversely proportional to the absolute temperature, (5) the peculiar behavior of the electrical resistance of alloys can be accounted for, and (6) the thermal conductivity may either increase or decrease with the temperature, the temperature coefficient depending both upon the temperature and the material. A third assumption, viz., that the positive centers take part in the conduction of heat but not of electricity, leads to the conclusion that (7) the usual value deduced for the Wiedemann-Franz-Lorenz ratio is too small, and the variations in the value of this ratio at ordinary temperatures is accounted for. The above theoretical results, especially (1), (2) and (3), are, at least within the ordinary range of temperatures, in substantial agreement with experiment, since the constants involved in the theory can be determined from experimental data, and so the author concludes that (8) the concentration of electrons in a metal is an exponential function of the temperature, and (9) the number of positive centers changes with the temperature, the exact relation being somewhat uncertain. The number, however, must generally increase with the temperature.