An examination of multiple factors affecting community structure in an aquatic amphibian community

The potential effects of multiple factors structuring certain larval amphibian communities were studied using a pen experiment in a natural pond. Potential factors (predation and competition from other species) were allowed to act in a stepwise fashion such that their relative importance could be evaluated. Based on a previous study, it was hypothesized that predation by Ambystoma salamander larvae on other larval amphibian species would be the most important factor. Survival of Ambystoma jeffersonianum salamander larvae and Rana sylvatica tadpoles was significantly depressed only by Ambystoma opacum predation. Survival of Ambystoma maculatum salamander larvae was significantly greater in the absence of both A. opacum and A. jeffersonianum predators. The virtual elimination of Hyla chrysoscelis larvae in all treatments also can be largely attributed to Ambystoma predation. Thus, Ambystoma predation was the dominant factor determining larval survival of four amphibian prey species in the experimental communities.