Serum Gastrin and Atrophic Gastritis in Achlorhydric Patients with and without Pernicious Anemia

Patients [42] with pernicious anemia (PA) and 35 patients with achlorhydria but without PA were investigated by means of serum gastrin determination and estimation of circulating parietal cell and thyroidal autoantibodies. In 38 of the 77 patients, gastroscopic and histopathological examinations of the antral and corpus mucosa were performed. The patient groups were similar with regard to distribution of high and normal serum gastrin levels, the frequency of autoantibodies and antrum-sparing atrophic gastritis. In the present selection of patients the achlorhydria group was supposed to represent a precursor state of the group with PA. A minor proportion of patients with severe atrophic gastritis of the antrum as well as of the corpus mucosa was found in the 2 groups.