DDT and Pyrethrum Aerosols to Control Mosquitoes and Houseflies under Semi-Practical Conditions1

Tests of pyrethrum and DDT liquefied gas aerosols against mosquitoes, Anopheles quadrimaculatus, and houseflies, Musca domestica, have established that DDT is highly toxic to both insects at about 121/2 times the conc. of pyrethrins, but that its knockdown properties are poor. Combinations of fatty materials and wetting agents with DDT did not increase the knockdown or kill with this insecticide. The desirable knockdown properties of pyrethrum and the toxicity of DDT to houseflies was combined by adding 1/2 the conc. of pyrethrins used in the standard pyrethrum formula to the DDT formula. Addition of motor oil to the DDT-pyrethrum aerosol made it possible to obtain the dual effectiveness of both insecticides with a reduced conc. of DDT.

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