Charge transfer-originated large Faraday rotation in Rh4+-substituted magnetic garnets

A large Faraday rotation is reported for Rh4+-substituted magnetic garnets in the near-infrared wavelength region. The Faraday rotation at 0.9 μm is about seven times larger than that in yttriumirongarnet by substituting Rh4+ions of only 0.13 per formula unit at room temperature. From the electronic state calculations of a (Rh4+O6 2−)8− octahedral cluster performed by using an unrestricted self-consistent field–scattering wave–X α method, the origin of the Faraday rotation is attributable to the charge transfer transitions of an electron from O 2p to Rh 4d orbitals, or t 1u n (2p)→t 2g * (4d) and t 2u n (2p)→t 2g * (4d) transitions. Based on this assignment, the Faraday rotationspectrum is calculated by taking into account the spin–orbit interaction and the molecular field from ironmagnetizations in the magnetic garnet.