Effects of quantitative disorder on the electronic structures of Si and Ge

We have attempted to model the electronic structures of glow-discharge amorphous-Si-based alloys by studying the effects of specific kinds of quantitative disorder on the band structures of crystalline Si. A realistic tight-binding Hamiltonian has been developed, including third-nearest-neighbor interactions, which reasonably describes both the valence and first three conduction bands of the crystalline materials. Quantitative disorder is investigated by transforming a disordered system of identical atoms to an ordered diamondlike system with disordered potentials. We find that, in both Si and Ge, bond-length distortions affect mainly the bottom of the valence band at Γ1 and the low-density-of-states region around X1, as well as the peaks of L2 and L1. One might expect, therefore, that localization would be present in both regions near Γ1 and X1. Moreover, bond-length distortions affect the bottom of the conduction-band edge in Ge but not in Si. Bond-angle distortions are found to cause shifts of band, primarily in the p-like regions of valence band. These shifts are to lower binding energies and are consistent with the steepening of the top of the valence-band edge, with disorder, as observed in photoemission measurements. Finally, our results also account for the merging of the E1 and the E2 peaks of the imaginary part of the dielectric function ε2, with disorder, as observed by spectroscopic ellipsometry and reflectivity measurements.