Young male rats received a single intravenous injection of 3H‐fucose and were killed after various time‐intervals. Light‐ and electron‐microscopic radioautographic studies of the thymus in animals killed shortly after injection showed that all of the different cell types present incorporated 3H‐fucose label. The heaviest uptake occurred in macrophages and in hypertrophic epithelial cells located near the cortico‐medullary border. Somewhat lighter incorporation was observed in medullary and cortical stellate epithelial cells and in cells designated as special cells, while the lightest reaction appeared over lymphocytes. In all cells the label was localized initially to the Golgi apparatus, where, presumably, it was incorporated into glycoproteins. With time, some of the labeled putative glycoproteins in all cell types migrated to the plasma membrane. In macrophages, much of the label migrated to lysosomal bodies, while in the special cells the label migrated to dense bodies which may also be of lysosomal nature. In stellate and hypertrophic epithelial cells much of the label migrated to characteristic vacuoles. The possible relationship between the observed glycoprotein synthesis in these cells and hormone production is discussed.