Analysis of Modified Deoxynucleosides by Electrospray Ionization Mass SPECTROMETRY

Electrospray mass spectra for selected modified deoxynucleosides and deoxynucleoside monophosphates have been determined. Protonated molecular ions are abundant in the positive ion spectrum, while (M-H) appears in the negative ion spectrum. However, fragment ion intensities are usually low in both spectra. Conditions which promote collision-induced dissociation within the electrospray source facilitate fragment ion formation, and the intensity of BH2 + and S+ (positive ion spectrum) and (M-BH) and B (negative ion spectrum) are enhanced by increasing the skimmer cone voltage. MH+ was detected with as little as 3 pmol of deoxynucleoside, and the protonated molecular ion intensity is linear with respect to analyte concentration over two orders of magnitude.