When stimulated by equivalent amounts of progametangia-inducing hormones, cultures of the minus mating type of Blakeslea trispora produce about the same quantities of carotenoids as mated cultures of the fungus, which suggests that the stimulation of carotene synthesis during the sexual activity of mated cultures is the result of hormonal action. These hormones were isolated and purified. From spectroscopic analysis of purified samples, it appears that the hormones are identical with trisporic acids B and C. When both mating types of B. trispora were cultivated in one vessel but were kept apart by membrane filters, the formation of sex hormones was not inhibited. Physical contact between the mating types is obviously not required for the induction of sexual activity. The sex hormones also formed in combined cultures of B. trispora-plus and Zygorhynchus moelleri (a homothallic species), but not in combined cultures of B. trispora-minus and Z. moelleri . This is evidence for the hypothesis that the hormones are produced by B. trispora-plus only.