Impact of assisted hatching on ART outcome in women with endometriosis

BACKGROUND: Assisted hatching can improve the implantation rate in cycles with poor outcome. The impact of assisted hatching in embryos from women with endometriosis is not known. Therefore, the hypothesis that the implantation potential of embryos obtained from women with endometriosis can be improved with assisted hatching was tested. METHODS: In a prospective randomized study, transfer embryos obtained from 60 women with endometriosis were hatched using a laser system and compared to embryos obtained from patients with the same diagnosis which were left intact (n=30). RESULTS: The characteristics of cycles were similar between groups. The pregnancy (40% zona intact, 28.3% assisted hatching), and implantation rates (19.4% zona intact, 17.8% assisted hatching) did not differ in endometriosis cycles regardless of assisted hatching. CONCLUSION: Assisted hatching does not improve outcome in women with endometriosis undergoing assisted reproduction.