PHC3, a component of the hPRC-H complex, associates with 2A7E during G0 and is lost in osteosarcoma tumors

Polyhomeotic-like 3 (PHC3) is a ubiquitously expressed member of the polycomb gene family and part of the human polycomb complex hPRC-H. We found that in normal cells PHC3 associated with both hPRC-H complex components and with the transcription factor 2A7E. In differentiating and confluent cells, PHC3 and 2A7E showed nuclear colocalization in a punctate pattern that resembled the binding of polycomb bodies to heterochromatin. This punctate pattern was not seen in proliferating cells suggesting that PHC3 may be part of an 2A7E-polycomb complex that has been shown to occupy and silence target promoters in G0. Previous loss of heterozygosity (LoH) analyses had shown that the region containing PHC3 underwent frequent LoH in primary human osteosarcoma tumors. When we examined normal bone and human osteosarcoma tumors, we found loss of PHC3 expression in 36 of 56 osteosarcoma tumors. Sequence analysis revealed that PHC3 was mutated in nine of 15 primary osteosarcoma tumors. These findings suggest that loss of PHC3 may favor tumorigenesis by potentially disrupting the ability of cells to remain in G0.