Effect of vacuum fluctuation during milking on the development of intramammary infection from teat duct colonization by Staphylococcus aureus

Summary: Twelve of twenty-one udder quarters with colonized teat ducts became infected within 13 d when milked with a machine producing large cyclic and irregular vacuum fluctuations in the teatcup; of 23 quarters milked under the same conditions, but with metal shields fitted inside the liners to protect the teat apex (Thiel, 1974), only 2 quarters became infected in the same period. The introduction of a post-milking teat disinfectant teat dip resulted in the elimination of orifice colonization from 15 teats dipped in Na hypochlorite solution (40 g/l available chlorine) and from all but 2 of 15 teats dipped in an iodophor solution (5 g/l available iodine).