Particle‐Based Axenic Media for Tetrahymenids*

Autoclavable, natural particulate media simplify axenic cultivation of tetrahymenid ciliates and presumably favor selection for phagotrophy. Viability is at least 2 mo. at room temperature ( C) for the lipid-sensitive tetrahymenids Tetrahymena setosa, T. corlissi, T. paravorax, T. limacis and T. patula, also for T. rostrata and (at C), for strains of the T. pyriformis complex and Glaucoma chattoni. A typical medium consists of crude soy lecithin + skim milk powder + Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Other useful particules readily available commercially are whole liver powder, cells of Micrococcus lysodeikticus [M. luteus] and Escherichia coli, and powdered residue of liver extracted with 70% ethanol (liver #2). Preliminary experiments indicate that some of these media are suitable for the maintenance of Paramecium octaurelia stock 299S and Colpidium campylum. Such mixtures may serve as points of departure for devising media for more fastidious phagotrophs.