The energy gap and other parameters of the superconducting state are calculated from the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory in Gor'kov-Eliashberg form, using a realistic retarded electron-electron interaction via phonons and including the Coulomb repulsion. The solution is facilitated by observing that only the local phonon interaction, mediated entirely by short-wavelength phonons, is important, and that a good approximation for the phonon spectrum is therefore an Einstein model rather than Debye model. The resulting equation is solved by an approximate iteration procedure. The results are similar to earlier gap equations but the derivation gives a precise meaning to the interaction and cutoff parameters of earlier theories. The numerical results are in good order-of-magnitude agreement with the observed transition temperatures but lead to an isotope effect at least 15% less than the accepted -½ exponent (Tc proportional to M12). Also, the present theory predicts that all metals should be superconductors, although those not observed to do so would have remarkably low transition temperatures.