Carcinoma of Sebaceous Glands of the Eyelid

This paper reports a patient with an unusual form of diffuse carcinoma of the meibomian glands and the glands of Zeis. Although carcinoma of the meibomian glands classically is characterized by a discrete lesion often mistaken for a chalazion,1 this patient showed only a generalized thickening and inflammation in the lateral portions of the upper and lower lids. The diagnosis was confirmed by biopsy which further revealed pagetoid changes in the overlying epithelium. Report of Case This 72-year-old white male was seen in consultation on Sept 4, 1963. He had noticed pain and irritation on the lateral aspects of the eyelids of his left eye for one year. Treatment with antibiotic and steroid ointments had resulted in no improvement. Examination revealed a diffuse, apparently inflammatory, eczematoid thickening of the temporal 1.5 cm of the left upper and lower lids adjacent to the outer canthus of the left eye (Fig