CdSiP2 is a typical member of the AIIBIVC2V family with chalcopyrite structure. The x‐ray scattering for luminescent and nonluminescent material is essentially identical: The atomic order at the Cd and Si sites is at least 99.8% complete. The lattice constants of this tetragonal crystal are a = 5.680 ± 0.001 and c = 10.431 ± 0.003 Å at 298°K. The space group is I4̄2d , and there are four formulas per unit cell. A total of 2370 reflections from a nonluminescent crystal, and 2156 from a luminescent CdSiP2 crystal, were measured with PEXRAD. Least squares refinement, based on 320 symmetry‐independent reflections from both crystals, led to a final agreement factor of 0.047. Normal probability plot analysis shows the least squares derived standard deviations to be underestimated by a factor of 3.0, and the two sets of measured structure factors to possess a small parallel bias. The bond angles about the Si atom do not differ significantly from the regular tetrahedral angle of 109.47°. Regular tetrahedral bond angles about Si were previously observed in ZnSiP2. The assumption that the BIV atom in all members of the AIIBIVC2V family maintains a regular tetrahedral valence angles leads to the relation: x = 0.5 − (c2 / 32a2 − 11 6)1/2 , where x is the atomic coordinate of the CV atom at position x1418 . The predicted interatomic distances for a wide group of family members are both internally consistent and in excellent agreement with measurement on ZnSiP2 and CdSiP2. The experimental Cd–P distance is 2.561 ± 0.002 Å, and Si–P is 2.247 ± 0.002 Å. The CdSiP2 characteristic temperature θ is 282°K, and representation is ΠPP(4̄2m) .