A quasiparticle description of the hole doped "short range" RVB state is developed and it is applied to study the ground state properties of the interacting many holon fluid. The model is based on the conjecture that the elementary charged excitation of the RVB state, the holon, corresponds to an quantized vortex in a condensed quantum fluid of mobile singlets. The doped RVB state is described as a two component fluid of these quasiparticles with repulsive electrostatic interparticle interactions and an effective U(1) gauge field coupling the motion of these objects to the condensed particles of the parent RVB fluid. In this model for the doped state we find: (1) Quantum commensurability effects in the doped state, similar to those encountered in the fractional quantum Hall problem, lead to phase segregation of a doped state which corresponds to a 20% dilution of the doped antiferromagnet. (2) The ground state of the interacting holon fluid at this density is found to exhibit off diagonal long range order, describing a two-dimensional pairing condensation of the holons.