Sex differences in the manifestations of depression in young people. A study of French high school students part I: Prevalence and clinical data

The first part of this study investigates the prevalence and clinical manifestations of major depressive episodes in young people. The sample for this investigation consisted of 744 high school students (439 males and 305 females), aged 14 to 23 years, and attending 15 high schools in the North of France. Assessment of major depressive episodes according to DSM-III-R criteria was performed by medical doctors using a semi-structured interview and by means of the French version of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D). Thirty-two students (18 males and 14 females) were found to have a major depressive episode with a prevalence of 4.1% in males and 4.7% in females. However, the results also showed that the significant manifestations of major depression differed according to sex and suggested that manifestations of major depression in female young people might differ from those observed in adults more markedly than in males. This may explain that the diagnostic performance of the CES-D was found to be higher in males than in females and that the female prevalence of major depression was found to be lower than those usually obtained with adolescent-specific diagnostic criteria.

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