Neurohemal contact in the internal zone of the rabbit median eminence

The concept of neurosecretion as the mechanism by which neural control of adenohypophyseal function is accomplished was based on the observation that long capillary loops penetrate deeply into the supra-opticohypophyseal tract as it passes through the median eminence internal zone. However, neural contact upon these capillary loops has not been demonstrated in the mammalian median eminence. The present transmission electron microscopic investigation of the rabbit median eminence demonstrates neurohemal contact in the median eminence internal zone. Axons containing small lucent vesicles 53.3 ± 3.28 nm in diameter (mean ± SEM) or small lucent and large granular vesicles with a mean diameter of 122.4 (±3.28 nm) in their terminals make neurohemal contact with capillary loops in the internal zone and form a cuff about them. These terminals resemble terminals found in the external zone. Intravenous injection of the false neurotransmitter 5-hydroxydopamine (5-OH-DA) renders small lucent vesicles granular in both the external and internal zone. The effect of 5-OH-DA injecting is abolished by concurrent reserpine administration. Whereas large granular vesicles in many terminals become lucent after reserpine administration, in others they remained electron dense. Viewed in the light of previous studies our findings suggest that the internal plexus arises from the external plexus and invaginates the neuropil carrying connective tissue and parvicellular axon terminals of aminergic and peptidergic systems from the external zone into the internal zone, that some elements making neurohemal contact with long capillary loops are terminals of the noradrenergic reticular infundibular tract arising outside the hypothalamus in the brainstem, and that long capillary loops form a system of repeating microvascular modules which markedly increase the surface available for neurohemal contact.