More on the regulation of tobacco smoke: how we got here and where next

The modern cigarette is unnecessarily dangerous. Despite being lower in tar yield, and consequently in squamo-carcinogenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons such as benzo[a]pyrene, the nitrosamine yields are often higher than they need to be. Also, reductions in tar levels have not led to the consequential reductions in mortality that were anticipated several decades ago. The modern cigarette is also smoother, easier to smoke and to learn how to smoke, highly addictive and facilitates compensatory smoking. Compensatory smoking leads to excess inhalation of carcinogens and toxins in the hunt for nicotine. Its labelling is misleading in that supposedly low-yielding cigarettes may, due to compensation occurring as a result of cigarette design, lead to inhalation of much higher amounts of nicotine, carcinogens and toxins than the smoker is led to expect. Regulation of the product is needed to provide the persistent smoker with a cigarette lower in risk, accurately labelled, providing a relatively consistent and known dose of nicotine, and less likely to facilitate compensatory smoking. This will not produce a safe cigarette but should result in a reduction in harm if seriously implemented.