Comparing the Quality and Predictiveness between 3D QSAR Models Obtained from Manual and Automated Alignment

A set of 113 flexible cyclic urea inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus protease (HIV-1 PR) was used to compare the quality and predictive power of CoMFA and CoMSIA models for manually or automatically aligned inhibitor set. Inhibitors that were aligned automatically with molecular docking were in agreement with information obtained from existing X-ray structures. Both alignment methods produced statistically significant CoMFA and CoMSIA models, with the best q(2) value being 0.649 and the best predictive r(2) being 0.754. The manual alignment gave statistically higher values, whereas the automated alignment gave more robust models for predicting the activities of an external inhibitor set. Both models utilized similar amino acids in the HIV-1 PR active site, supporting the idea that hydrogen bonds form between an inhibitor and the backbone carbonyl oxygens of Gly48 and Gly48' and also the backbone NH group of Asp30, Gly48, Asp29', and Gly48' of the enzyme. These results suggest that an automated inhibitor alignment can yield predictive 3D QSAR models that are well comparable to manual methods. Thus, an automated alignment method in creating 3D QSAR models is encouragable when a well-characterized structure of the target protein is available.