Different Pr3+ environments in Pr1.85Ce0.15CuO4: A Raman crystal-field excitation study

Low-temperature Raman scattering of crystal-field (CF) excitations within the Pr3+ ground-state H43 multiplet of the compound Pr1.85 Ce0.15 CuO4 suggests the presence of more than one CF environment for the Pr3+ ions. The Raman spectra were similar to spectra obtained in inelastic neutron-scattering experiments. The analysis of the Raman spectra for Pr1.85 R0.15 CuO4 samples with R=Pr, La, Y, Ce, and Th indicates three different environments for Pr3+. One is associated with charge transfer caused by the replacement of Pr3+ by the tetravalent ions Ce4+ or Th4+. A second is almost identical to that observed in Pr2 CuO4. The third is attributed to either an orthorhombic distortion or to sites of smaller lattice volume. The Nd- and Nd(Ce)-based compounds are also discussed.

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