Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals are largely employed as a diagnostic tool in clinical practice in order to assess the cardiac status of a specimen. Independent component analysis (ICA) of measured ECG signals yields the independent sources, provided that certain requirements are fulfilled. Properly parametrized ECG signals provide a better view of the extracted ECG signals, while reducing the amount of ECG data. Independent components (ICs) of parametrized ECG signals may also be more readily interpretable than original ECG measurements or even their ICs. The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the effectiveness of ICA in removing artifacts and noise from ECG signals for a clear interpretation of ECG data in diagnostic applications. In this work, ICA is tested on the Common Standards for Electrocardiography (CSE) database files corrupted by abrupt changes, high frequency noise, power line interference, etc. The joint approximation for diagonalization of eigen matrices (JADE) algorithm for ICA is applied to three-channel ECG, and the sources are separated as ICs. In this analysis, an extension is applied to the algorithm for further correction of the extracted components. The values of R-peak before and after application of ICA are found using quadratic spline wavelet, which facilitates the estimation of the reconstruction errors. The results indicate that, in most of the cases, the percentage reconstruction error is small at around 3%. The paper also highlights the advantages, limitations, and diagnostic feature extraction capability of ICA for clinicians and medical practitioners. Kurtosis is varied in the range of 3.0–7.0, and variance of variance (Varvar) is varied in the range of 0.2–0.5.