Thermal and elastic properties of silicate oxyapatite crystals

The elastic constants, thermal expansion,thermal conductivity, and heat capacity are reported for a new class of laser hosts‐the silicate oxyapatites. For Ca2La8(SiO4)6O2 the five independent elastic constants obtained from sound velocity measurements are C 11=1.71, C 12=0.62, C 33=1.71, C 44=0.52, and C 13=0.39×1012 dyn/cm2, the thermal expansion coefficients at 300 K are 8.9×10−6 and 6.6×10−6 K−1 for the [101̄0] and [0001] directions, respectively, and the room‐temperature conductivity is about 0.019 W cm−1 K−1. Sound velocity and thermal expansion data suggest a Debye temperature between 400 and 500 K.