Association of Mouse Pathogenic Strain of Echo Virus Type 9 with Aseptic Meningitis.

From an outbreak of 11 cases of aseptic meningitis near Cambridge, England, during the autumn of 1955, ECHO-9 virus was isolated from 4 patients. In addition, 7 cases and 2 family contacts showed rising titers of neutralizing antibody to this virus. From 2 subsequent outbreaks of febrile headache in this region during the summer and autumn of 1956, ECHO-9 virus was isolated from 6 patients and rising titers of neutralizing antibody were detected in sera from 8 patients. These data, plus recent ECHO-9 isolations from spinal fluids as well as from alimentary tract of aseptic meningitis cases in other outbreaks, strongly suggest that ECHO-9 virus has caused severe and mild cases of this syndrome. English strains isolated in 1955 and 1956 were found to produce myositis and paralysis in infant mice indistinguishable from that produced by group A Coxsackie viruses.