Insect legs develop from small regions of the embryonic thorax. In most insects they differentiate in the embryo, forming functional larval legs, which grow and moult through larval life. In Drosophila the presumptive legs invaginate to form imaginal discs, which grow through larval life but only differentiate in the pupal stage. Analysis of the structures formed after amputation, grafting and wounding experiments on larval legs and on mature and immature imaginal discs suggests that the same organization of positional information and cellular behaviour is involved in the response of the developing leg to disturbance at early stages (termed ‘regulation’) and at later stages (termed ‘regeneration’). The results suggest that developing legs form pattern in accordance with positional information specified in two dimensions within the epidermis, along polar coordinates. A continuous sequence of positional values runs around the circumference and an independent sequence runs down the leg. Two rules govern cellular behaviour after a disturbance. The shortest intercalation rule : interaction between cells with different positional values provokes local growth, producing cells with intermediate values (by the shortest route in the case of the circumferential values). The distalization rule : if intercalated cells have positional values identical to those of adjacent pre-existing cells then the new cells adopt a more distal value. These rules will produce a complete distal regenerate from a complete circumference and may produce a symmetrical regenerate from a symmetrical wound surface. This regenerate may taper (converge) or widen (diverge) and branch into two distal tips, depending on the extent of the original wound and the way in which it heals. The polar coordinate model provides a simple and unified interpretation, in terms of only local interactions, of a wide range of experimentally produced and naturally occurring insect (and crustacean and amphibian) limbs showing regeneration of missing structures, duplication of structures, and the formation of complete, tapering or branching supernumeraries. It is not yet clear what molecular mechanisms could underlie a polar map of positional information, nor how such a map could be initially established at a particular site in the early embryo.