Reliability of preoperative evaluation of prognostic factors in endometrial carcinoma

Objective: To define the accuracy of preoperative evaluation of prognostic factors in detecting patients with low risk of node metastasis in which different surgical approaches can be proposed. Subjects: Seventy‐five patients with a histologically proven endometrial carcinoma were considered in this study. Methods: All the patients underwent a preoperative evaluation of grading (G), and myometrial invasion (M) by endometrial biopsy and transvaginal ultrasound (TVS). In 41 patients preoperative ploidy of carcinoma cells (P) was determined by flow cytometry. Pre‐surgical G, M and P were then compared with surgical specimens. We considered ‘low risk’, patients with no or moderate myometrial invasion, well‐differentiated histological grading and diploid DNA. Results: We were able to identify 19/23 (82.6%) low risk cases. Correct identification of high risk patients was obtained in 49/52 (94%) patients. In three low risk patients, correctly diagnosed preoperatively, the final FIGO stage was IIIA (two for adnexal involvement and one for positive peritoneal washing). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that it is possible to detect preoperatively patients with a low risk of node metastasis. Alternative surgical approaches, i.e. vaginal surgery, can be taken into account in such patients.