Calculation of theη→ππγDecay Rate with Finite Dispersion Relations

Finite-dispersion-relation techniques as developed by Aviv and Nussinov are employed to calculate the decay rate for ηπ+πγ in an essentially parameter-free manner. The amplitude for this decay is obtained by crossing from the scattering process ηππγ which has the A2 resonance in the s and u channels and the ρ trajectory in the t channel. A single Breit-Wigner resonance of width 85 MeV for the A2 meson directly leads to a prediction for the rate and photon momentum distribution in good agreement with experimental measurements. The so-called broad-narrow model can give agreement if couplings of each component to ηπ and πγ are properly chosen, but all pictures of the A2 with two narrow components give inadequate results.