The ground state of a many-particle boson system is studied for two closely related limits: the uniform limit and the weak coupling limit. The former is defined by α=1g(0)1 and the latter by β=(NN0)N1, where g(r) is the radial distribution function and N0 is the mean occupation number of the zero-momentum state. In the uniform limit the variation-perturbation approach based on (a) the method of correlated basis functions and (b) the series expansion in powers of α is found to be equivalent to the field-theoretic treatment given by Brueckner (for the charged-boson gas) in the weak coupling limit. In particular, it is shown that the variation-perturbation energy obtained for the uniform limit in the momentum representation is identical through second order to the ground-state energy evaluated for β1 by summing one- and two-ring diagrams in the Bogoliubov occupation-number representation. The charged-boson gas and the one-dimensional boson system with a δ-function interaction are considered to examine some of the interesting features of the uniform-limit procedure.