Control and Seedhead Suppression of Red Rice (Oryza sativa) in Soybeans (Glycine max)

Experiments were conducted in 1985 and 1986 at three locations in eastern Arkansas to evaluate red rice control in soybeans with postemergence grass herbicides and plant growth regulators applied singly or sequentially at early to late-tillering growth stages of red rice. Haloxyfop at 0.21 kg ai/ha and quizalofop at 0.14 kg ai/ha applied singly or sequentially and fluazifop at 0.21 kg ai/ha applied sequentially consistently controlled red rice and suppressed seedhead production in soybeans. Mid-season treatments were not beneficial when high soil moisture stress conditions existed. Mefluidide or sethoxydim applied singly or sequentially or amidochlor applied singly provided erratic control and seedhead suppression of red rice in soybeans.