Coupling between single-particle and collective excitations in a charge-density-wave system: Field dependence of nonlinear conduction in the blue bronzeK0.3MoO3

We have investigated nonlinear characteristics of high-quality K0.3MoO3 single crystals in the temperature range of 30-100 K covering eight orders of magnitude in current and more than three decades in voltage. At some temperatures, high-field measurements were extended up to 1000 times the threshold electric field ET for nonlinear conduction. In the wide field and temperature range of the experiments, the charge-density-wave conductivity follows the empirical form σCDWσn(ETE)(EET1)α, where σn is the conductivity of normal carriers. Our results suggest that damping of the collective mode arises from dissipative normal currents induced by dynamic deformation of the charge-density wave.