The effectiveness of mycelial slurries of mycorrhizal fungi for the inoculation of container-grown jack pine seedlings

Mycelial slurries prepared from agar plates of ectomycorrhizal fungi were used to inoculate 7-week-old container-grown jack pine. Seven of 15 species formed mycorrhizae after 18 weeks and included Thelephoraterrestris Ehrhart ex Fr., Laccariaproximo Boudier, Hebeloma sp., Pisolithustinctoris (Pers.) Coker & Couch, Sphaerosporellabrunnea (Alb. & Schw. ex Fr.) Svrcek & Kubicka, Cenococcwngeophilum Fr., and an E strain (sensu Mikola) isolate. Species of Tricholoma, Suillus, Amphinema, and Hydnum failed to form mycorrhizae. The use of a mycelial slurry has the advantage of saving considerable time in inoculum preparation and should be useful for experimental purposes.

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