The fine structure of the normal, resting terminal ductal-lobular unit of the female breast

The fine structure of the terminal ductal-lobular unit (TDLU) of the normal, resting female breast is described. Tissue used conformed to strict criteria for normal. 4 distinct cell types, were observed, epithelium, myoepithelium, macrophages and lymphocytes. A gradation in structure, especially of myoepithelium, was found between the ductule tip and intralobular duct, apparently reflecting the age and function of each region. Cilia originating from the myoepithelial cells are possibly sensory in function. Epithelial vesicular inclusions may represent minimal secretory activity, transport of material across the cell, or be lysosomal in nature. The capillaries in close contact with the delimiting fibroblasts of the epithelial-stromal junction (ESJ) are described and the zone designated the capillary-fibroblast junction (CFJ). The CFJ is conceived as a regulatory unit similar to the ESJ, and may contribute to dysplasia due to biochemical or functional alterations, or to disruption of the microvascular geometry.