Unique determination of solutions to the Burnett equations

Recent success in applying the Burnett equations to the one-dimensional shock-structure problem has raised the issue of whether the full Burnett equations can be used to replace the Navier-Stokes equations for solving boundary-value problems in rarefied gasdynamics. As is familiar from the classical rarefied gasdynamics literature, the Burnett equations, if not solved as a successive approximation to the Navier-Stokes equations for a small Knudsen number, would require more boundary conditions than those in the Navier-Stokes system, owing to the presence of the higher-order derivatives. In this paper, this issue is examined with concrete solution examples for the steady Couette flows, addressing specifically whether solutions to the full Burnett equations can be uniquely determined without adding more boundary conditions than those in the Navier-Stokes system. The analysis, supported by detailed numerical solutions, confirms that additional boundary conditions are needed as long as the Knudsen number is not identically zero, lest the solution to the Burnett equations is not unique.