Preoperative Irradiation, Lymphadenectomy and 125 Iodine Implant for Patients with Localized Prostatic Carcinoma: a Correlation of Implant Dosimetry with Clinical Results

The 30 patients with clinically and surgically localized prostatic carcinoma who were selected for treatment by a short course of preoperative irradiation (1050 rad), pelvic lymphadenectomy and 125I implant were followed for 1-4 yr. Perioperative morbidity (10%), post-implant impotence (11%), lymphedema (17%), tumor recurrence (4%) and distant metastasis (4%) have been minimal to date. Urinary irritative symptoms, which usually subsided in 6-9 mo., occurred in half of the patients and correlated with implant volume. Total dose and total dose per unit of implanted activity were calculated. Of the various implant parameters evaluated implant dose homogeneity correlated with the rate of tumor regression.