Aging of InGaN/AlGaN/GaN Light-Emitting Diodes

Changes in luminescent spectra, current-voltage, and capacitance-voltage characteristics were studied versus time of working at forward currents for light-emitting diodes based on InGaN/AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. The samples of blue and green LEDs with a single quantum well InGaN active layers were studied during 102-2.103 hours at currents 30–80 mA. An increase in efficiency at the first stage and a decrease one at the second stage were detected. The main changes were detected at low currents in blue diodes for tunnel components of current and radiation. Activation of acceptors Mg because of residual H atoms are going out of complexes Mg-H and creation of donor type defects are proposed as models for two stages. A model of injection stimulated (non-thermal) underthreshold creation of defects can explain the results.