Vascularization of the pars intermedia of the hypophysis in the toad, Bufo bufo (L.) (Amphibia, Anura)

Summary The vascularization of the pars intermedia of the hypophysis of the toad, Bufo bufo (L.) was studied by injection of a mixture of India-ink and gelatine into the circulatory system of the head via the arteria carotis communis. Further methyl-methacrylate corrosion casts of brains were made and the hypophysial region of the corrosion casts was examined with the scanning electron microscope. The results showed that the vascularization of the pars intermedia of the toad hypophysis consists of a single-layered vascular network, which is located on the ventral surface of the pars intermedia. The network is formed by capillaries, which primarily run caudally in a fan-like manner and which show only a few cross-connections. In the rostral region of the pars intermedia this network lies rather superficially, while in the caudal region it slightly penetrates the parenchyma. The vascular network originates from vessels of the neural stalk and from wide capillaries of the rostro-ventral region of the neurointermediate junction. The venous drainage of the pars intermedia is exerted by veins, which leave the caudal region and drain into the veins leaving the venous pole of the pars distalis. The fiat, wide meshed vascular net on the ventral side of the pars intermedia, demonstrated in this study, fits into the concept that the pars intermedia of the anuran hypophysis is under the control of nerve fibers coming from the hypothalamus.