Excess and deficit lung cancer mortality in three ethnic groups in Texas

Based on Texas vital statistics for 1969–71, patterns of lung cancer mortality in three ethnic groups are examined. Among males, the risk of lung cancer for Mexican Americans is considerably lower than for Blacks and Anglos for ages under 75 and slightly higher for older ages. Among females, Mexican Americans exhibit a distinct excess of lung cancer mortality for ages 70 and over and a deficit for younger ages. The excess among Mexican American females is confined mainly to the older foreign‐born women and the excess is reduced for ages 45–60 and diminishes for younger immigrants. This suggests that the excess risk among Mexican Americans will completely disappear within a generation and a general deficit pattern will emerge for all ages. The implications of the diminishing excess and the emerging deficit lung cancer mortality among Mexican Americans clearly call for further study in exploring the effect of cultural change on mortality patterns, particularly for cancer.