Radiographic contrast media-induced histamine release: A comparative study with mast cells from different species

Radiographic contrast media in clinical use cause unwanted allergic and pseudoallergic reactions. To investigate the mechanisms of these reactions, studies on isolated mast cells from different species and sites are necessary. In this study, the effect of six commonly used contrast media on rat (peritoneal, lung) and human (lung) mast cells was investigated. The three preparations with low osmolalities (Hexabrix, Solutrast, Ultravist) released little or no histamine from the cells examined. In contrast, the three preparations with high osmolalities (Angiographin, Telebrix, Rayvist) were potent releasing agents. However, the degree of release and the order of potency was different depending on the cells investigated. Indeed, rat peritoneal mast cells required much higher concentrations before release was observed. Since the contrast media with low osmolality also cause histamine release and reactionsin vivo, other systems (e.g. complement) must be additionally involved.