Taste Reactivity in Alcohol Preferring and Nonpreferring Rats

Taste reactivity tests were used to examine the orofacial responses of alcohol preferring (P) rats and alcohol nonpreferring (NP) rats to the taste of alcohol. In the initial exposure, naive rats were tested for reactivity to five concentrations of alcohol (5%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% v/v), water, and one solution each of sucrose and quinine. A two-bottle consumption test was then given for a 3-week period to allow the rats access to 10% alcohol. After the preference test, a second tast reactivity test was done using the same solutions as in the initial reactivity test. The results indicated no significant differences in taste reactivity between P rats and NP rats on the initial exposure, except that NP rats made significantly more mouth movements. During the two-bottle tests, consumption of alcohol by P rats was consistently higher than that of NP rats across all test days. On the second taste reactivity test, P rats showed an increase in the number of ingestive responses and a decrease in the number of aversive responses to alcohol. NP rats'' taste reactivity to alcohol remained unchanged from Exposure 1 to Exposure 2. P rats'' and NP rats'' responses to sucrose and quinine did not change from Exposure 1 to Exposure 2. It was concluded that there were no innate taste response differences between P and NP rats to alcohol but that following alcohol experience, P rats showed a significant increase in ingestive responses and a concomitant decrease in aversive responses to the taste of alcohol. These data suggest that the taste of alcohol becomes more palatable to P rats after alcohol experience, a factor that may be important in the maintenance of continued high alcohol consumption by P rats.