IT HAS long been known that administration of aminopterin in early pregnancy usually causes fetal anomalies, fetal death, and miscarriage.1,2A number of years ago this drug was occasionally employed for therapeutic abortion until it was discovered that a fetus which survived to term showed serious abnormalities of development.3Probably this drug has not been employed as an abortifacient in recent years except by the very inept. The patient we present was delivered after an attempted abortion with aminopterin and showed such close resemblance to a case report by Warkany et al4as persuasively to exclude other causes for fetal damage. At the age of 4½ years she is perhaps the only living example of this syndrome; the patient of Warkany et al died at 29 hours and Meltzer's3patient survived the neonatal period but the final outcome has not been reported. Report of a Case