Cognitive Style, Hemispheric Specialization, and Tested Abilities of Transsexuals and Nontranssexuals

Tests on which the 12 males and the 8 male transsexuals differed significantly and might be useful to clinicians for differentiation were the Embedded-figures Test, the Porteus Mazes, and the O'Connor Finger Dexterity Test. Sex differences emerged on the Embedded-figures Test and the first half of the dexterity test. There were no significant differences between 12 males and 14 females or males and 8 transsexuals on conjugate lateral eye movement, eye dominance. Digit Span, and Digit Symbol. Embedded-figures Test appears to tap some aspect of gender identity (males with female identities respond like females) while the first half of the O'Connor taps a biologically determined sex difference (males respond alike whether they have male or female identities).