The possibility of developing fine‐grained (∼0.5–3 μm) and dense (≥0.98ρth) alumina (90 vol%)–aluminum titanate (10 vol%) composites with improved thermal shock resistance and maintained strength is investigated. One alumina material and one composite with similar microstructures (porosity and grain‐size distribution) were fabricated to investigate the effect of Al2TiO5 on thermal shock behavior. The size of the Al2TiO5 particles was kept under 2.2 μm to avoid spontaneous microcracking. The mechanical and thermal properties of the materials involved in their response to thermal shock and the results for the evolution of indentation cracks of equal initial crack length with increasing ΔT in samples quenched in glycerine are described. The combination of thermal and mechanical properties—thermal conductivity, thermal expansion coefficient, Young's modulus, and toughness—improve the thermal shock resistance of the alumina–aluminum titanate composite in terms of critical temperature increment (>30%). The suitable structural properties of alumina—hardness and strength—are maintained.